Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Successes - School Environment

Below are the equity-promoting successes around school environment that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Knowing students well
  • Learning from student work
  • Interest inventories
  • Student/staff survey once a year
  • Advisories meet once in two weeks, we loop with advisory all four years
  • Always make time for teachers
  • Respect guides community
  • Answer every phone call to parents before end of day
  • Commitment ot yearlong theme (literature based) regarding positive behavior that is reinforced by all - daily announcements, bulletin boards, awards
  • School community service day - extreme makeover
  • Heterogeneous classess/teaming/looping
  • PBIS program in place
  • Advisory
  • Bi-weekly deparment meetigs/daily CPT
  • Full inclusion of special ed students into regular classrooms
  • Prank by the principal (staff recognition)
  • Invested in PBIS practices
  • RtI team collaborative problem solving
  • Looping
  • Learning centers
  • Responsive classrooms
  • Created parent volunteer handbook to communicate clearly expectations and ensure confidentiality and professionalism
  • CPT weekly
  • District team level meetings every 6 weeks, quarterly for every grade level
  • Re-define a positive culture

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