Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Successes - Home school relations

Below are the equity-promoting successes around home-school relations that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • After school enrichment
  • HS has PTO
  • School has web-site and individual teacher emails
  • School improvment plan contains a parent involvement goal, and the goal is to incresae the percentage of 'link to learning' activities and monitor
  • Team newsletter/mid-quarter progress reports/websites
  • Student led conferencing
  • Team family events
  • Breakfast with principal by grade monthly
  • Development of family engagement committee - teacher led which stimulates teacher buy-in
    • Calendar developed beginning of year with various volunteers to 'chair'
    • Parent liaison working closely
    • Home literacy/math baskets developed to at-risk
    • Video of 'day in the life'
    • Volunteer workshops
    • Parenting classes
    • Student museum nights
  • Monthly parent cafe - topics include homework help, what to expect in grade 1, bfast with principal
  • Bilingual story hour

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