Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Successes - Professional Development

Below are the equity-promoting successes around professional development that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Advisory course/committee
  • Disciplinary literacy model
  • Collaborative scoring
  • System wide PD for paraprofessionals
  • Grade level benchmark scoring of written work
  • Classroom walk throughs
  • GLE tower building
  • Looking at data by teams to inform instruction
  • Coaches working with teachers to support core curriculum and interventions
  • Showed all teachers how to use new NECAP web-based tools to examine and sort student data
  • Sharing practice
  • URI Diane Kern Literacy writing and Understanding by Design
  • Facilitation
  • Dana Center work
  • Daily CPTs
  • In school bi-monthly department meetings
  • RtI
  • Focus groups on job embedded PD specific to student learning
  • Common planning with student work
  • Faculty vertical articulation on essential outcomes
  • Special ed/general ed collaboration regarding learning differences

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