Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Successes - Instruction

Below are the equity-promoting successes around instruction that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Adopted collaborative model with special educators
  • Heterogeneous classes
  • Promoted differentiated instruction, methods and strategies
  • Promoted student success by allowing for flexible student groups between grade level classrooms
  • Use of a classroom model via videotape to share best instructional strategies
  • Dedicated targeted instructional time (RtI) within each day for all grade levels
  • Departmental common planning time
  • SMART goals focused on greatest are of need across grade levels
  • Teacher learning center (interdisciplinary) of shared practices
  • Co-teaching
  • Consultation teams - PD
  • Facilitated PD for using ELMOS every classroom to teach 'response to reading' writing tasks
  • Teachers encouraged to challenge students' depth of knowledge; for example, using more primary sources for investigation and questioning vs. text-based learning
  • Look at student work to help guide and reflect on instruction during teaming
  • Developing common formative assessments
  • Fostering a culture within teachers that values commitment to learning and improving content knowledge and critical thinking: Journaling, Reflecting, Study Groups, and Focus Groups

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