Thursday, August 26, 2010

School Successes - Procedures/Policies

Below are the equity-promoting successes around procedures/policies that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Opening day packet (policies included, require signature)
  • Current website with policies included
  • Serving on district level team to develop consistent policies, timelines, forms to support the RtI process
  • Participation of team to develop a process for ELL students entering the RtI process to assist with preventing disproportionality
  • PBIS
  • Parent, student, teacher handbooks
  • School-wide assemblies
  • Parent information nights (curriculum and procedures)
  • Volunteer handbook (signature of agreement)

School Successes - School Environment

Below are the equity-promoting successes around school environment that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Knowing students well
  • Learning from student work
  • Interest inventories
  • Student/staff survey once a year
  • Advisories meet once in two weeks, we loop with advisory all four years
  • Always make time for teachers
  • Respect guides community
  • Answer every phone call to parents before end of day
  • Commitment ot yearlong theme (literature based) regarding positive behavior that is reinforced by all - daily announcements, bulletin boards, awards
  • School community service day - extreme makeover
  • Heterogeneous classess/teaming/looping
  • PBIS program in place
  • Advisory
  • Bi-weekly deparment meetigs/daily CPT
  • Full inclusion of special ed students into regular classrooms
  • Prank by the principal (staff recognition)
  • Invested in PBIS practices
  • RtI team collaborative problem solving
  • Looping
  • Learning centers
  • Responsive classrooms
  • Created parent volunteer handbook to communicate clearly expectations and ensure confidentiality and professionalism
  • CPT weekly
  • District team level meetings every 6 weeks, quarterly for every grade level
  • Re-define a positive culture

School Successes - Home school relations

Below are the equity-promoting successes around home-school relations that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • After school enrichment
  • HS has PTO
  • School has web-site and individual teacher emails
  • School improvment plan contains a parent involvement goal, and the goal is to incresae the percentage of 'link to learning' activities and monitor
  • Team newsletter/mid-quarter progress reports/websites
  • Student led conferencing
  • Team family events
  • Breakfast with principal by grade monthly
  • Development of family engagement committee - teacher led which stimulates teacher buy-in
    • Calendar developed beginning of year with various volunteers to 'chair'
    • Parent liaison working closely
    • Home literacy/math baskets developed to at-risk
    • Video of 'day in the life'
    • Volunteer workshops
    • Parenting classes
    • Student museum nights
  • Monthly parent cafe - topics include homework help, what to expect in grade 1, bfast with principal
  • Bilingual story hour

School Success - Support Services

Below are the equity-promoting successes around support services that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  •  Inclusion - co-teaching classrooms
  • Developing a framework for RtI
  • Worked with RIDE technical support
  • Received training in PBIS for 2 years establishing clear expectations for all and fostering a positive environment
  • Initiated a pilot reverse-inclusion program
  • Multi-cultural appropriate reading level books for classroom libraries
  • Math specialist
  • RtI process to identify students and design interventions
  • Grant program that targets at-risk students including after school programs and a home-school liaison
  • Peer support/social skills group open to all
  • Math labs to support students who need intervention
  • Have support staff share mini lessons at faculty meetings to make their strategies 'visible' to general ed teachers

School Successes - Professional Development

Below are the equity-promoting successes around professional development that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Advisory course/committee
  • Disciplinary literacy model
  • Collaborative scoring
  • System wide PD for paraprofessionals
  • Grade level benchmark scoring of written work
  • Classroom walk throughs
  • GLE tower building
  • Looking at data by teams to inform instruction
  • Coaches working with teachers to support core curriculum and interventions
  • Showed all teachers how to use new NECAP web-based tools to examine and sort student data
  • Sharing practice
  • URI Diane Kern Literacy writing and Understanding by Design
  • Facilitation
  • Dana Center work
  • Daily CPTs
  • In school bi-monthly department meetings
  • RtI
  • Focus groups on job embedded PD specific to student learning
  • Common planning with student work
  • Faculty vertical articulation on essential outcomes
  • Special ed/general ed collaboration regarding learning differences

School Successes - Instruction

Below are the equity-promoting successes around instruction that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Adopted collaborative model with special educators
  • Heterogeneous classes
  • Promoted differentiated instruction, methods and strategies
  • Promoted student success by allowing for flexible student groups between grade level classrooms
  • Use of a classroom model via videotape to share best instructional strategies
  • Dedicated targeted instructional time (RtI) within each day for all grade levels
  • Departmental common planning time
  • SMART goals focused on greatest are of need across grade levels
  • Teacher learning center (interdisciplinary) of shared practices
  • Co-teaching
  • Consultation teams - PD
  • Facilitated PD for using ELMOS every classroom to teach 'response to reading' writing tasks
  • Teachers encouraged to challenge students' depth of knowledge; for example, using more primary sources for investigation and questioning vs. text-based learning
  • Look at student work to help guide and reflect on instruction during teaming
  • Developing common formative assessments
  • Fostering a culture within teachers that values commitment to learning and improving content knowledge and critical thinking: Journaling, Reflecting, Study Groups, and Focus Groups

School Successes - Curriculum

Below are the equity-promoting successes around curriculum that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Curriculum maps
  • Scope and sequence for writing/math
  • Using common planning time to create 9-12 curriculum aligned to standards
  • Aligning department assessments to national subject area assessments
  • Embedding common summative assessments into curriculum
  • Review of MMAPP testing scores - individuals and grade levels
  • Development of power standards by grade level
  • Positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS)
  • Defining essential outcomes
  • Learning walks
  • Grade level NECAP analysis and reflection on where in the curriculum the GLEs are found

School Successes - Vision

Below are the equity-promoting successes around vision that were shared  during our Gallery Walk at Alton Jones:
  • Explicitly stated values and expectation, reviewed and reinforced
  • Weekly bulletins to staff articulating vision and supports to school improvement
  • Focus groups/PLC to support teachers implementing vision and learning from student work
  • A focus on student strengths especially for those who are underperforming
  • Learning walks and feedback
  • Guided outline of professional development
  • Strong leadership (IFL)
  • Merged two school improvement plans
  • Continual reminders via memos and periodically through faculty meeting activities - created a binder of current initiatives to celebrate evidence of best practice
  • Transparent leadership
  • Daily 'quotes' or 'reflective thoughts'